Category: CompilationsDroxyCore: Drox and CoreUI Combined! |
Patch & Add-on List |
File Name |
Version |
Size |
Author |
Date |
Type |
1.0 |
8.13 Kb |
11-17-2009 03:00 AM |
Patch |
1.5 |
1.92 Kb |
09-22-2009 04:15 AM |
Patch |
1.5 |
6.21 Kb |
09-20-2009 10:26 PM |
Patch |
1.1 |
555.10 Kb |
08-26-2009 12:18 AM |
Addon |
1.0 |
2.67 Kb |
08-05-2009 06:28 AM |
Patch |
1.0 |
1.37 Kb |
07-14-2009 01:03 PM |
Patch |
Raid View (old)
Settings Window
Layout Mode (v1.3)
Features (raid and group - v1.3)
DroxyCore 1.4 August 25, 2025
DroxyCore is a combination of the appealing aesthetics of Drox combined with the functionality- and feature-rich system that is CoreUI. DroxyCore also includes many updates, fixes, and changes to the core components of Drox and CoreUI, as well as many entirely new features not found in either!
Discussion thread and bug reports: http://vginterface.com/forums/showthread.html?t=2305L A T E S T V E R S I O N C H A N G E S
- Improved in-combat indicators
- Slightly more compact raid groups
- Vertical inventory
- Alternate 75-slot bank
- Minor fixes and changes...
- Better raid management options
DroxyCore includes: - New DroxyHUD using Drox vitals
- All vitals have been changed to Drox graphics
- Independent, movable outpost and mail icons
- Toggle button for group and quest tracker windows (for raiding)
- Drox Compass Clock
- Drox experience bar
- Elessar's shortcut buttons
- UI Quickloader
- DroxyCore control panel integrated into CoreUI settings
- Healer Hotbar
- Large icon only OT buff/weakness bars
- Various fixes to standard CoreUI3 features
DroxyHUD includes: - Player, pet, minion, and offensive target vitals
- Progressive form meter
- Spell identification
- Target of target through OT/DT vitals
Just download the package and unpack DroxyCore to your shell folder. If you run at 1920x1080, just use the existing user.ini file. If not, you can copy the *set*.xml files to your BIN folder and quick load the settings using the Quickloader (you have to turn the Quickloader on first from the DroxyCore control panel) or by loading a resolution set from the CoreUI save/load window.
I have done some work with the offline options application. It should be working with DroxyCore now. However, consider this portion a rough beta release... use it at your own risk. Please post in the forum thread if you encounter any issues with it.
Thanks to Creaet and Techywarrior for keeping Drox and Core alive in the absence of the original designers. Without you two these masterful UIs may have been entirely lost!
Thanks also to the InfoMap team (especially Soresha).
An additional high five to everyone at VGInterface.com who continuously posts helpful advice and code snippets!
Finally, and most obviously, a great amount of credit goes to the original designers of Drox and CoreUI - Drox and Nadger, respectively. You guys were the best and your legacy will forever be a part of Vanguard!
Archive List (Old Versions) |
File Name |
Version |
Size |
Author |
Date |
1.3 |
11.42 MB |
Aalwein |
08-22-2009 05:38 AM |
1.2 |
11.32 MB |
Aalwein |
06-22-2009 03:15 AM |
1.11 |
11.31 MB |
Aalwein |
06-12-2009 03:06 PM |
1.10-rev1 |
11.71 MB |
Aalwein |
06-06-2009 12:54 PM |
1.10 |
11.62 MB |
Aalwein |
06-06-2009 12:08 PM |
1.0RC1 |
10.76 MB |
Aalwein |
03-18-2009 01:12 AM |
File Statistics |
User Rating: |
Downloads: |
4049 |
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31465 |
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9 |
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11-28-2012, 10:37 PM
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Station Store Button
I downloaded and Installed DroxyCore and all is working well, I like it, But I can't for the life of me find the Station Store Button??????
08-23-2012, 08:20 AM
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I'd be very grateful if someone updated this or made a patch for it!!! I'm not skilled enough to do so. I love this UI.
07-05-2012, 12:58 AM
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Hiya Aalwein, it was good to see you back in game a little while ago, do you have any plans on adding to DroxyCore with F2P coming?
A few things that have changed are: % ratings which show in the default UI but not DroxyCore, for example:
Crit damage bonus %
Ranged damage bonus %
Heal Crit bonus
These are just a few but I am unable to get them to show in DroxyCore and have to switch UIs back to default to check my caps, would it be a lot of work to include this in a small patch for DroxyCore?
Thanks again for this UI, I still love it and use it after so many years 
Last edited by IxStandalonexI : 07-05-2012 at 12:58 AM.
08-05-2010, 04:30 PM
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So I see all these patches for the UI?
My question is, does the latest release 1.4 already include these patches, Like 75 slot bank and ect? If we do not get these patches(if there not already included) are we going to not see all of our bank space and bag space?
05-16-2010, 09:44 PM
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Hi Folks,
I have a problem with my Titles not displaying on my characters in game and am wondering if anyone else has had the same issue and been able to find the problem and fix it.
I have Titles selected (Griffon Knight Asasin of the Gods) is what I usually have selected, I have the box checked to show my Titles, I have the box checked in Options>Character to show my name and other peoples names. I have tried to change the Titles and turn them off, then change them back and enable them again but to no avail.
Yet for some reason I can only see my first and last names and other peoples first and last names. Yet other players can see my Titles clear as day while I cannot.
I returned to VG 2 days ago and loaded the game to start with using just the basic default UI and saw all my titles then with no problems.
Now that I have downloaded and installed DroxyCore they have disappeared and I can't seem to be able to figure out why...DroxyCore does not have an option that I can find that would show/hide Titles or block them from view.
Has anyone had this issue with CoreUI3 or Drox or DroxyCore before?
Any thoughts on what I may have missed?
I did not have this problem 6 months ago while I was playing VG using DroxyCore so I am baffled as to why it has popped up now.
I do not really want to get rid of DroxyCore as I have a multitude of macro's and my setup I have been used to for many years but this Title issue is annoying.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
12-04-2009, 03:41 PM
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AA window
Just trying to stay ahead of the game but AA's (Alternate Advancement) are coming very soon and currently DroxyCore wont allow the UI window to display. The UI window is available through /showwindow Alternate Advancement using default UI.
Anyway you can go ahead and put a fix in for this now so we dont have to wait for a fix once it is released? I've already talked to the dev that is responsible for putting in the new AA system and he told me the UI aspect of it is complete and on live servers so you UI modders out there can get a jump on it.
Thanks for making such a great mod Aalwein
Last edited by Dravin : 12-04-2009 at 07:55 PM.
11-13-2009, 09:34 AM
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1st, I really like this Comp. it's great and the last preset is a very nice place to start (exactly the way I like to setup my chat boxes, hotbar,etc.).
Quick questions though : When I mouse over an item, I don't see the popup showing what I'm wearing to be able to compare both items. How can I fix this?
Last edited by Lashnoll : 11-13-2009 at 11:52 AM.
11-02-2009, 12:00 AM
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pet window cont
I know of someone else who is having this problem as well. anyone have any ideas or fixes
09-30-2009, 06:10 PM
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Pet Window
For some reason my pet abilities window has disappeared. I could have sworn it was there, but now its not. I've gone though the DroxyCore Settings and I can't find where to turn it on or even how I could have turned it off. All I have options are for to show their health bars. I even have the commands to send the pet into battle but the actual abilities are missing. Any help?
My pet abilities window is there when I use default, and a necro told me he had pet abilities with droxycore. So I'm not sure what to do.
07-30-2009, 03:04 PM
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Resolution Help
I use 1680 x 1050 resolution
i read this
If you run at 1680x1050, you can copy the *set*.xml files to your BIN folder and quick load the settings using the Quickloader (you have to turn the Quickloader on first from the DroxyCore control panel).
How do i actually do this?
07-16-2009, 11:45 AM
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I'm having an odd situation...
I download DroxyCore last night and configured the interface. I had an issue with getting multiple versions of various windows (both the core and droxycore versions... and, in at least one case, the default UI as well). To try to resolve, I experimented with the UICustomizer among other things.
Now, however, a number of textures to the various windows (Droxycore Player status, droxycore xp bar, etc.) are no longer working and the pet commands bar is missing. (All of this was fine when I went to bed and I didn't make any other changes after... )
I deleted the DroxyCore folder and redownloaded/installed... but the issue still exists.
Any thoughts?
EDIT: Just noticed the bug/troubleshooting link and posted this there. (Doh!)
Last edited by Ungodlysorrows : 07-16-2009 at 11:56 AM.
07-15-2009, 03:05 PM
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I don't know why, but my Droxycore isn't loading. It keeps sending me to the default UI. I'm using base Core now.
Core works just fine for me, but for some reason DroxyCore wont load. It loads the default UI instead. Just thought I'd clarify my post.
07-14-2009, 09:57 PM
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I don't know why, but my Droxycore isn't loading. It keeps sending me to the default UI. I'm using base Core now.
07-14-2009, 12:20 PM
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i hope you check this soonish but is there aney chance of you updating the main bag its showing 20 slots and should be 50 thank you
06-13-2009, 01:23 AM
DroxyCore Developer
Forum posts: 216
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Thanks for that Locker.
I've updated the folder structure for 1.11 so everything should be easy 1-2-3 unpacking now!
Flash Craft is included with CoreUI, so it is also included with DroxyCore. However, you will have to manually enable it by editing it into the index.xml file until I (if I ever get to it) get UICustomizer working.
Comment out all the maddycraft references in the index.xml file and add in one referring to CoreFlashCraft.xml (use the index.xml for an example).
Last edited by Aalwein : 06-13-2009 at 01:29 AM.
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