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Old 05-15-2007, 02:09 PM
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Soresha Soresha is offline
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Lightbulb Automatic PoI Logging & Downloadable PoI Collections

Automatic PoI Logging (Beta)

This system records locations like resource nodes, mobs, NPCs (and anything else you want) into chat log files just by clicking on a hotkey, with a parser provided on my website that instantly converts the log file data into PoIs in a CustomPoINames.txt file, for use with your ingame maps.

I've given some example images at the end of this post.

The set up is simple, with a few steps to complete to get you started. Then the logging is really easy. For example, click on a resource node to start harvesting, click on the logging hotkey whilst waiting to get the resource - it couldn't be simpler!

Set up instructions, further details and the parser itself can all be found here:

PoI Collections

By using this system you will also be contributing to a collection of PoIs held on the site, which are available to the VG community to download and use ingame. Currently you can either download the full collection or just the resource nodes. The full collection of PoIs is also used on the maps of the continents:

Of course you can still use this system to collect PoIs for your very own, unique CustomPoINames.txt file if you prefer. Your PoIs are returned to you exactly as you collected them.

Beta Testing So Far

This system was released as "beta" a few days ago, and the objective now is to test it out with lots of different players. People log PoIs in different ways depending on how they play the game, but the parser is quite thorough in analysing the log file lines and so far the results have been good.

Yesterday I updated the parser to remove duplicate lines cause by double clicking on the hotkeys. I also added a credits page to record the players who are contributing PoIs (if they would like to be identified). So far people seem a little shy to give their names though!

Adding PoIs To The Collection

The immediate priority (now that I'm getting data in from other players to examine) is to finish automating the inclusion of suitable PoIs into the downloadable collections. I expect to have this completed for the resource nodes very soon, then you'll see the collections being updated at a faster rate. Processing of mobs and other PoI types will then follow. I expect this to be a gradual process of refining how the PoIs are recognised and included.

How You Can Help

1) Start logging those PoIs! The more data that comes in, the better. You don't have to collect loads (unless you want to), log files with even just a few points will help.

If you have any problems using the parser, please contact me, you may have found a bug. Please also take the time to check the PoI file you get back, and if you think you see any errors or omissions, please send the original log file to me at:

2) Perhaps you can help with some ingame research? There are two questions I'm looking for answers to:

- What is the average size of a "field" of harvestable plant nodes? Plants seems to come in patches, so I suspect we really only need one PoI for a patch. So how far apart (in ingame coordinates) are plant nodes on opposite sides of a group of plant nodes?

- Try using the /con command when you have an (alive) mob targeted, you'll see the end of the phrase you get seems to refer to the dot rating of the mob. The PoI parser already records the levels of mobs, but if we can identify the phrases for 1,2,3...6 dot mobs then we can include the dot ratings in the PoI names too. So can you help match up the phrases to the dot ratings?

3) Are you good with javascript? The web maps which display the PoI collection would really benefit from some javascript to reset the scrolled position when using the filter and zoom links. Please contact me if you would like to help out with this.

4) Are you good with images? I'm always open to the idea of improving the background maps, either by tidying up the existing images a little or changing them altogether. As long as the maps are proportionately correct, scaling them isn't a problem. Changing the markers is possible too, they could do with being a little smaller I think.

5) Any other suggestions, feedback, bug reports or offers of help are of course welcome.

Example Images For Automatic PoI Logging

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