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Old 03-01-2007, 09:07 AM
cristo's Avatar
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Default How to Merge two Mods (The basics)

(This references to specific mods but works with the same theory for all)
Download both mods.

Pick one to "Use", typically the one with more stuff in it, its easier to merge a small one into a big one.

In this case it will be the Journal

Unzip both onto your desktop so you have two folders
MXp and JournalMod

Since we are going to use JournalMod open up MXp and move all files from
the folders Textures/ and Windows/ from MXp to JournalMod textures/ & Windows/

(in some mods both folder dont exist if that is the case create it.)

Once you have every Texture and window file moved over to the mod your going to use open Skins.xml in note pad

Inside this file you will see blocks of code that reference the various textures that look like this

        <AnimationDefinitions directory="../Default/Textures">
            <AnimationDefinition filename="VgrdBackgrounds.xml"/>
            <AnimationDefinition filename="VgrdChat.xml"/>
            <AnimationDefinition filename="VgrdGlow.xml"/>
            <AnimationDefinition filename="VgrdParts.xml"/>
            <AnimationDefinition filename="VgrdParts02.xml"/>
            <AnimationDefinition filename="VgrdParts03.xml"/>
            <AnimationDefinition filename="VgrdParts04.xml"/>
            <AnimationDefinition filename="VgrdDiplomacy.xml"/>
            <AnimationDefinition filename="VgrdMinimap.xml"/>
            <AnimationDefinition filename="VgrdStories.xml"/>
        <AnimationDefinitions directory="Textures">
            <AnimationDefinition filename="BookParts.xml"/>
ANd maybe even a few others
You notice at the top of each block directory is defined.
Find the block that has the "textures" directory that we moved the texture files into. in this case its the second one posted above

To tell it to look at the new textures we need to define the xml
WHen you moved the texture files to the textures folder one of them was something.xml so to add it you add a row to that block of code to make it look like the following

        <AnimationDefinitions directory="Textures">
            <AnimationDefinition filename="BookParts.xml"/>
            <AnimationDefinition filename="something.xml"/>
Save the file and close it
Please note: If you really did use my MXp mod there are no textures and the above can be skipped, it is only for reference.

Now we need to tell it to load the window.

Open index.xml
Inside of it again you are going to see blocks of code defined by type and directory location

There are two types of windows
And System.
I am not 100% on how to tell which are a window should fall but you can typically reference the original index.xml that came with the mod.

In this case the MXp is a system window.
So find the block of code that starts like

<SystemWindows directory="../default/Windows">

Within that block find and remove the line that reads
<Window filename="VGUIPlayerStatus.xml"/>

Since that is the system window we are replacing we dont want it to load the default.

Now that the default will not load we need to tell it to load our new one.

So now find the block in index.xml that starts with
<SystemWindows directory="Windows">

And within it add a line that has the name of your new xml
In the case of MXp
<Window filename="VGUIPlayerStatus.xml"/>

if in the case a block of code doesnt start with
<SystemWindows directory="Windows">

Just make one

<SystemWindows directory="Windows">
        <Window filename="VGUIPlayerStatus.xml"/>
Save your file close and open your vgclient.ini
Tell it now to load just JournalMod

Load up the game and enjoy

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Old 03-01-2007, 10:23 AM
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Really great guide cristex, thanks!
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Old 03-01-2007, 10:56 AM
vactus vactus is offline
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Wish I had this a day or so ago when I made a merger of a few mods into one.

Finally figured it out using Nadgers HUD Pack instructions for a reference to base everything off of.

Good write-up though, thanks!
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Old 03-06-2007, 08:05 PM
Lichbane Lichbane is offline
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Ok. I know this probably will sound like abit of a whine (... hell it does to me ...) but you'd thing Sigil would make it a bit easier. You'd think they would have copied <insert well known popular MMORPG here (yes, you know the one>'s ability to just drop mods into an "plugin" folder.

Lets hope that Sigil find a better way to handle this.
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