You can find my CoreUI+ version here:
It builds on TechyWarriors version of CoreUI3 but with some modifications and additions:
- Includes Infomap V2.5 (with thanks to Soresha for keeping this going)
- Adds to marketplace button and windows
- Sailing and market windows updated based on post from Hobart (8/23)
- Includes Charging Cast bar for Fire Pummel
- Includes all modifications needed since techy last updated (e.g. larger inventory)
- Modifies Xandyr's scrolling vertical buff bar to include text for each ability and be able to see time left on each buff
I have also revised the UICustomizer code, cleaning it up a bit and adding a Misc options group in which you can...
- either the Standard CoreUI experience bar or the Drox experience bar (thanks to Alimora for keeping up mods to Drox)
- either the default SC Market button or a small SC market button (thanks to Grimmier for making this modification). the small option will also give you the small "Subscribe" button.
I have also increased the hit box around the default SC Market button to make it easier to left-click drag and move without using layout mode.
To install, download and unpack the base version Rufin's CoreUI+, and copy the entire CoreUI3 folder to your...VGUIAssets/Shells folder. Then download and unpack Update V2.0 and copy that to the same place, replacing all files you are asked about. Run UICustomizer from within the .../shells/CoreUI3/UICustomizer folder BEFORE starting the game. In addition to selecting your HUD, crafting interface and XP bar, you can also select the size of your hotbars, and the direction of your group makeup. Please remember, you can always turn on and off additonal hotbars (including the vertical bars shown in my screenshots), via the ingame Core settings (either from ESC or via the Core Settings button)
If you have any problems, please let me know by posting here or on the main Rufins CoreUI+ page, or via PM.