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Old 08-24-2007, 11:48 AM
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Nadger Nadger is offline
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Exclamation Core UI 3.0

Hello everyone.

After a break from Vanguard, I am back and I am making UIs again. The style of UI I like still has not changed; centralized information, designed not to obstruct your view, keeping your eyes near the action and the hotkeys near the action.

So I decided to bring back the CoreUI name because it best describes what the UI is about. However, CoreUI 3.0 is a complete re-write and redesign. Much like the transition from Core 1.0 to Core 2.0, 3.0 is quite a bit different while remaining the same.

One thing that I did not like about CoreUI 2.0 was how bloated it got. It could actually make your FPS in game worse. Many UIs with a lot of options suffer from this, droxui especially. Some of you may remember a UI project that i never really finished called DuskUI. It strived to be quite opposite from Core in way of options, and could in fact increase your framerate in game over the default UI by using better compression on UI textures and getting rid of art assets loaded into memory that are no longer used. CoreUI 3.0 will do this as much as it can as well. But it will not be as options barren as Dusk was.

Core 3.0 options will include some innovations, things you have not seen in a Vanguard UI to date. I don't want to disclose the detailed on these advanced features because I'm not entirely sure I can deliver on them yet. I'll disclose them to the public as i confirm they are possible and I get them coded in game.

There will be Hotkey options galore in 3.0. Allowing you to create your own designs of hotkeys by fitting them together like stacking blocks.

So what does 3.0 look like? Well I've got some of the core parts done and functioning in game but not enough for a good screenshot so I attached the concept art to this thread. So far its turning out exactly like the concept.

HUD wise you will have less options then Core 2.0. I am thinking perhaps a total of 3 choises. 2 under character versions and 1 side to side (Core 2.0 goldeneye style)

I also opted to go with the window retexture I did for Dusk. (Blue titlebars, yellow buttons, dark marble background)

I will disclose more information and screenshots as I get more and more done on this UI.

Feel free to post your opinions of the concept art.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Core3Concept.jpg
Views:	4497
Size:	206.5 KB
ID:	433  

Last edited by Nadger : 10-11-2007 at 12:48 AM.
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