This is a compilation of UI with DroxUI, Nadger HUD Pack, Core emotes, TarodShortCutPanel, MaddyCraft and Craft Menu
Tukulti version of DroxUI Horlog Mod GU7.2
Updated with DroxUI 2.6.6 (with smallbag for 50 slots base bag)
Updated with AdvancedMap v2.1
Reducing the size of icons on "Buffs Windows (icons)" for more visibility
Remove Drox and Nadger buttons on Tarod Shortcup Panel
Add Nadger button settings on Game Menu (escape key)
Reducing the size of Tarod Shortcut Panel
Add "loot" button on Tarod Shortcup Panel (/targetnextcorpse /loot)
Tukulti version of DroxUI Horlog Mod GU7.1
Remove Small Bag to run new base bag (50 slots)
Tukulti version of DroxUI Horlog Mod GU6.4.1
Oops, i made a little bug with Huds graphic pack
Tukulti version of DroxUI Horlog Mod GU6.4
Updated with DroxUI (Fishing & Enchantment) and Soresha maps (02-12-2008)
Tukulti version of DroxUI Horlog Mod GU6.3
Remove DroxUI QuestBook to origninal QuestBook for Fishing part
Tukulti version of DroxUI Horlog Mod GU6.2
I add some mostly usefull in game button To tarodShortCutPanel
remove /consent %td
add /consent raid (Const Raid)
add /consent group (Const Grp)
add /Corpse (Corpse)
Rename (D Corpse) to (Nxt Corpse)
Tukulti version of DroxUI Horlog Mod GU6.1.3
Remove the alone Core emotes button
Tukulti version of DroxUI Horlog Mod GU6.1.2
Updated with DroxUI v2.6.4 and CoreEmotes v1.6
Tukulti version of DroxUI Horlog Mod GU6.1.1
Updated with Infomap advanced v1.11b
I changed the mod of horlog to be compatible with GU6. I drew inspiration from the mod of horlog of droxUI
Tukulti version of DroxUI Horlog Mod GU6.1
DroxUI v2.6.3.1 of Craeat (with small bag inclued)
Maddycraft v2.12 of MadOverlord (without Maccro bar)
AdvancedMap v1.11 of Soresha (18 oct 2025)
TarodSCP of Cbr600f (updated with new code show_window, hide_window)
nadgers-hud-pack of ?? (updated with new code show_window, hide_window and core panel options)
CDE Craft Menu 1.0 of Corrior (updated with new code show_window, hide_window)
Core Emotes of Core3UI of techywarrior (updated with new code show_window, hide_window)
horlog orignal mod