Category: Complete SetsDrox UI |
Interface Information |
Name: |
Drox UI  |
Author: |
Date: |
09-22-2008 10:40 PM |
Size: |
2.20 MB |
Version: | |
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Whats new in
- Fixed bug that was causing the default minimap to not display correctly.
Note: If you are using infomap you were not affected by this bug and will not need the update. If you are not useing Infomap or other map mods then you will need this update to fix your minimap.
Whats new in 2.6.3
- Fixed bug with the no book version of the Index.xml file (thanks to TheCoder for finding it first)
- Added the drag n drop searchable market window based off the code from dkrice80
- Added the small versions of the inventory bags based off the code from dkrice80
Whats new in 2.6.2
- Fixed bug with the display of the List Details button in the quest book window
- Added 2 additional slots and buttons for the UI Loader (you now have 6 slots to save your UI layouts)
- Fixed a bug with compass display where there was always a white dot in the center of the compass
- Added a button for the harvest bag (both large and small versions) to go along with other container buttons. This button is independent from the other container buttons and the display is toggleable in the Drox settings window.
- Removed the weight display option due to weight being removed from the game.
- Various minor tweaks to bring the interface inline with the changes in GU6
NOTE: If you are updateing you will need to update your textures folder as well as your windows folder to get all the new features and fixes.
Whats new in 2.6.1
- Removed all uses of the /showwindow, /hidewindow, /togglewindow commands that are being removed in GU6
- Fixed a bug where _player_status_start_menu was being shown at the top of the character right click menu in a group
- Return of the Book version of the Drox Quest window
Note: If you update to a newer version by just copying the changed files over you will need to get the changed BookParts.xml and .tga files from the textures folder as well for this update to get the Book version of the Quest window to work again.
Whats new in 2.6
- Added support for the new petiton window
- removed the book version of the quest window ( I will try to bring it back in the future but unable to get it to work at this time with all the changes to the quest window by sony)
- Minor codeing changes to reflect minor changes by sony
- Added alternate user.ini files for alternate keybindings to use the reactions, rescues, and other ones added in GU5
Installation Notes
Installation instructions for first time installs and updates can be found in the README.TXT file included in the zip.
Drox - For creating the orginal version and maintaining it till he was no longer able to play Vanguard.
Miggy - For the initial work on the Abilities and Quest journals.
Agathorn - For the expanded Work Order selection window and for
the expanded crafting table setup window.
Kilatre - For extensive help creating and support the N52 hotbar.
...and many other mod developers for their help and inspiration along the way.
Mother9987 - For the excellent Compass/Clock mod ported from Jaxel's OCD EQ2 mod.
Dkrice80 - For the drag n drop searchable market window and the small inventory bags
Archive List (Old Versions) |
File Name |
Version |
Size |
Author |
Date |
2.6.3 |
2.20 MB |
Craeat |
09-19-2008 08:24 PM |
2.6.2 |
2.18 MB |
Craeat |
09-12-2008 05:15 PM |
2.6.1 |
2.17 MB |
Craeat |
08-04-2008 09:41 PM |
2.6 |
2.14 MB |
Craeat |
07-05-2008 11:55 PM |
File Statistics |
User Rating: |
Downloads: |
2836 |
Views: |
9026 |
Favorites: |
6 |
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Last Modified: |
09-23-2008 12:31 PM by Craeat |
|  |
Today, 03:24 PM
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Re: Self Buffs
Today, 02:32 PM
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Self Buffs
I will have to do some research but I dont think the server reports to the client the caster of the buff But I will add it to my list of requests.
Today, 03:38 AM
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Self Buffs
Thanks again for keeping up this UI.
Would it be possible to have a buff window with self buffs only? As a warrior there are a few short buffs i should keep up at all times but it is hard to keep track with the gazillion buffs we have in this game.
Even if it is not possible i thank you in advance.
Yesterday, 05:58 AM
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Re: Help cant get it installed
First the file is vgclient.ini not vgiclient.ini. Also it sounds like your on vista if you are you need to turn off UAC (user access control) that should help with the problem.
10-01-2008, 04:14 PM
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Help cant get it installed
I've followed the read me instructions. When change the shell name to DroxUI and try to savethe changes I get an error "cannot create the path C:/program files/sony/vanguard/bin/vgiclient.ini.
Any advice...I'm obviously not a computer wizard.
10-01-2008, 09:23 AM
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I have responded to your post on the forums with instructions on how to get it to work.
09-30-2008, 07:22 PM
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is there any way you could make your ui compatable with maddy crafting?
I have been trying to get maddy to work with drox for 4 days now lol, help from madoverlord and anything else i could think of hasnt worked. Unfortunatly the ui's that already have maddy craft built in just dont work for me, drox works best (healer hotbar works great) with my ui at a close second, but it wont work in myui either.
09-19-2008, 11:10 PM
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Other mods are haveing this problem as well and we have not found a good solution to this yet. Im experimenting when I can to see if I can come up with something.
Update: there is word that sony has found the bug and fixed it internaly and will be patching it out to live in the future.
Last edited by Craeat : 09-20-2008 at 08:55 PM.
09-19-2008, 10:46 PM
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Never mind, installed it and saw for myself that the problem still exists.
09-19-2008, 08:39 PM
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Any chance this fixes the resizable hot bars not remembering their non-default sizes between sessions or are you more convinced this is a bug on SOEs part?
09-19-2008, 10:48 AM
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Re: NoBookIndexFile/index.xml error
Whitespace is not allowed at this location. Error processing resource 'file:///G:/Index.xml'. Line 30, Position 40
<Window filename="VGUIAbilities.xml"/ >
I will look into this and get it fixed.
Last edited by Craeat : 09-19-2008 at 10:49 AM.
09-18-2008, 07:23 AM
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NoBookIndexFile/index.xml error
Whitespace is not allowed at this location. Error processing resource 'file:///G:/Index.xml'. Line 30, Position 40
<Window filename="VGUIAbilities.xml"/ >
09-16-2008, 10:13 AM
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Re: Raid Groups
Looking into the raid stuff is on my list but no promise when I can get to it. Part of the problem is I have been playing since day one of the prerelease but I do not have a raid level toon yet to test with.
09-16-2008, 02:39 AM
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Raid Groups
First of all i want to thank you for picking up the DROXUI.
It is a great help you give us.
I was wondering if it would be possibe for you to make an addition for raiders.
Can you add raid group windows looking like the "horizontal group HUD"?
It would help save room on the screen.
The raid group windows eat up always alot of space.
Would it also be possible to have a buff window for self buffs only?
Thank you in advance!
09-13-2008, 06:19 PM
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Re: Bard Song
I dont play a bard so can you PM me a screen shot showing the problemand I will try to work it out for you and see if I can create a bard and recreate the problem.
If you also can give me a scren shot ofthe same window from the default interface if that is not a problem so I know what I am looking at.
Last edited by Craeat : 09-13-2008 at 06:28 PM.
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