This program has been designed and programmed to be used with a Loot Ladder Looting system. The program makes tracking a Loot Ladder extremely easy and allows for seemless integration/reporting via BBcode onto a webpage or Forum.
-Changed the program so that it removes inactive raiders instead of just hiding them. This should help to keep the ladder nice and clean. If an inactive raider participates in a raid later on, they can simply be added back to the ladder.
-Fixed several bugs.
-Added the ability to import data from BBcode.
-Select File>Import/Export>Import>BBcode.
-Paste your BBcode into the text area.
-Press Review and look over the conversion list.
-If everything looks ok, save it!
-Changed the program so that it "hides" players on the ladder once they have been flagged as inactive. Players become flagged when their consecutive missed raid counter hits the threshold the user sets. As soon as the raider attends a raid, they become un-flagged and appear back on the ladder as usual.
-Other minor tweaks.
-Fixed a bug found shortly after the release of v1.2 which caused improper data loading. Refer to V1.2 notes for major changes.
-Added the ability to track how many consecutive raids each person is not participating in and the ability to automatically drop them to the bottom of the ladder when they hit a specified threshold.
-Fixed a bug where the New Raid wizard only took effect if you selected someone as having gotten loot.
-Track everyones position on a graphical Loot ladder.
-Automatically adjusts raider's positions on the ladder when loot is aquired.
-Provides several intuitive wizards for different tasks.
-Integrated BBcode Viewer/Editor for seemless reporting to Website or Forum.
-More to come!
Notice: If running Windows Vista, make sure to run this program "As an Administrator" for it to be able to do any file reading or writing (Saving and Loading Loot Ladders).