Xndyr's "myUI" Portal
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Welcome to the myUI interface Portal.
myUI V3.0
By: Xndyr - 02-29-2008 11:56 AM |
Well, it's been a bit longer than I had hoped before I could provide this update, but v3.0 is nearly ready for release. It's time to get excited about the new features, and newly added missing features that were introduced from recent game updates.
Look on the forums for information about upcoming changes and additions to myUI and post comments, feedback, feature requests that you may be hoping to see in myUI and i'll be sure to consider them.
There are some exciting changes to myUI and I hope you'll be stopping by to check it out. Look for a release as soon as GU4 goes live, and maybe even before 
myUI News
By: Xndyr - 07-05-2007 04:26 PM |
I just wanted to post a little info about what's going on with myUI. I have had a few comments about missing graphics (the main window background especially) and I have found the problem with that. the backgrounds texture file didn't get uploaded with the last set of updates. I guess when I was zipping up the bulk of the UI I figured I would put the background texture in the color packs. then when I was zipping up the color packs I thought I had included the background texture in the main UI file. whoops. don't do much thinking after 3am. 
So, I'll be uploading another update in the next day or two to fix this problem. Other things I've been working on is the problem with the maps--not showing POI's and/or groupmembers or the self-pointer. This is a hard bug to track down since it all works just fine on my installation--so it's difficult to narrow down exactly why it's bugged for some and not others.
i've been working on fixing the right corner texture near the spell focus & heal focus numbers.. there was some strange artifacts in the texture as it fades to transparency and i think I have this looking better now.
I've updated most of the windows so that they will remember their visibility between gaming sessions now (so you won't have to keep turning things off that you don't want to see).
I'm also working on the bard song composition window again to try to add in more information about when new song slots become available... to make it a little easier to see your progression as you level.
and a few other little tweaks and fixes here and there... look for a new update by the end of the weekend.
Color Packs
By: Xndyr - 06-14-2007 11:27 AM |
Very soon I will be uploading several color packs for myUI. This will change the underlying color of the UI, without changing anything about the xml. These will be just texture files that will "skin" the interface in different colors.
Colors available will be:
Amethyst (the original purple)
Emerald (a dark green)
Ruby (a deep red)
Possible future colors may be:
Platinum (white)
Yellow (need a gemstone name for this one hehe -- it will be more yellow than the gold, which has a more orange cast to it).
Ebony (Or maybe Onyx... very dark grey, almost black)
I plan to upload them to the Miscellaneous section, and they will not contain the xml files, just the textures themselves. because of the size they will also be uploaded individually. (didn't think it would be a good idea to upload them as a single file since it would probably be about 50mb).
Finally, a FULL version -- v1.0 released!
By: Xndyr - 06-11-2007 03:15 AM |
Update Notes v1.0 (10 June 07):
New Features: - New Settings/Options Window.
- Click on the small "dot" button to the right of the compass to open up the new window
- Options tab allows you to toggle certain windows
- Layout tab allows you to save and load your layout configurations.
- Pet Health bar is now movable
- Horizonatal Group Window! (go to the Settings Window to select which group window you want to see // vertical is default)
- Added color to many more windows.
- Changed the default UI coloring from gray to dark blue.
- Added slight transparency to the default window backgrounds.
- More colors will follow (if there is enough interest--send in your ideas)
- if you don't want to use the new textures go to the "SkinInfo with default textures" folder and copy that file to the myUI root folder.
- New Attribute Window.
- Click on your player name *upper right corner* to turn on the attribute window
v0.96 Released!
By: Xndyr - 06-08-2007 02:42 AM |
Just finished uploading the latest version. it fixes a few bugs that have been found since my first release.
Map Pointers should be visible again! Hurray!
Pet's have health again! (health bar should be visible now when you have a pet)
Inspecting another player will no longer show empty weapon slots! (thanks Drox for the hints on fixing that problem)
Please post any bugs you find or requests on the portal here and I'll try to make the UI the best it can be.
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