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Old 02-04-2008, 10:30 AM
Silentnoise Silentnoise is offline
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Default I give

After about a week and half of playing with this code I'm finding it impossible for me to figure out. Maybe it's impossible to do though, maybe some one can figure this out. Sorry about the code, this coming straight from my coding program so I have all my notes to myself in it. BTW i want it to target the players name in the window as your defensive target. I would love to get the defensive target auto-update like the text does on this window to show who gets agro. I can figure that part out myself if I can get help with setting your defensive target on clicking the name in the window.

	<!-- The Component Window that Pulls your Offensive Targets Target and Displays it for you -->
	<ComponentWindow name="_anti_group_entry_first" interpretAs="UseControl" singleInstance="true">			
		<UseControl type="Window">
		    <!--Window that holds the text Settings-->
		          <!-- Note:  Maybe change this visible value to false depending on how many complaints from users seeing the white lines all the time-->
			<Rect x="2" y="2" width="100" height="50"/>
			<Settings	name="_anti_group_entry_first"
		    <!-- End: Window that holds the text settings -->
		    <!--Offensive Targets Target Text-->
		    <UseControl type="TextField" >
		        <TextField fontSize="10" color="white" centered="false">
		            <Rect x="0" y="2" width="100" height="18"/>
		            <Text>NPCs Target</Text>
		        <Settings name="_anti_group_entry_first_target" 
		            <Action event="raid_set_target" senderName="#SetAsSender">
		    <!--End: Offensive Targets Target Text-->
    <!--End: The Component Window that Pulls your Offensive Targets Target and Displays it for you -->
	<!-- I got drunk and had a wierd idea to make this window-->
            <!-- Note: Don't forget to change the positioning of this window after it works -->
    <VGUIWindow name="Silentnoise Offensive Target Hotbar">
		<Rect x="500" y="500" width="255" height="50"/>
		<Settings	searchKey="target"
        <!-- Line Color Settings Blue -->
            <!-- Note: Maybe add another color line to give it different looks, strips that are smaller and in front of or another strip the same size that is black to increase the brightness.-->
        <UseControl type="Window">
                <!--Entry Settings-->
                <Rect x="2" y="15" width="400" height="20"/>
                <Settings	name="_anti_group_entry_first"
        <!-- End: Line Color Settings Blue -->
        <!-- Rescue/Healer Hotbar -->
                   <!-- Note:  After get this working lower spell macros down from 5 down to 3 -->
                   <!-- Note:  Don't forget to bind keys to this hotbar.  Maybe backspace with ctrl,alt, and shift -->
            <UseControl type="WindowBank">
                <WindowBank numBanks="1"
                    <!-- The settings on each hotkey button -->
                    <Rect x="100" y="10" width="517" height="42"/>
                        <Size width="30" height="30"/>
                        <Point x="0" y="0"/>
                        <Point x="31" y="0"/>
                    <!-- End: Hotkey button settings -->
                    <!--If it's already a hotkey it's pulling it's grahics here-->
                    <!-- End: Valid hotkey graphic -->
                    <!-- Blank Slot Graphics -->
                    <GraphicName label="background" isBaseName="false">
                    <!-- End: Blank Slot Graphic -->
                <!-- Bind Keys Setting Here Don't Forgot this or this is pointless window -->
                <!-- Bind Keys Setting Here Don't Forgot this or this is pointless window -->
                <!-- Bind Keys Setting Here Don't Forgot this or this is pointless window -->
                <Settings	searchKey=""
                <!-- End: Bind Keys Setting Here Don't Forgot this or this is pointless window -->
                <!-- End: Bind Keys Setting Here Don't Forgot this or this is pointless window -->
                <!-- End: Bind Keys Setting Here Don't Forgot this or this is pointless window -->
                    <!-- Commands to make your hotkeys -->
                    <Action event="hotkey_drag_drop" senderName="#SetAsSender">
                    <Action event="hotkey_make_macro" senderName="#SetAsSender">
                    <Action event="wndbank_activate_slot" senderName="#SetAsSender">
                    <Action event="hotkey_macro_edit" senderName="#SetAsSender">
                    <!-- End:  Commands to make your hotkeys -->
        <!-- End: Rescue/Healer Hotbar -->
        <!-- Don't screw with after you got this working -->
		<UseComponent name="_anti_group_entry_first" gameVarLink="TargetCombatInfo">
			<Point x="2" y="15"/>
				<Bind member="TargetName" searchKey="_anti_group_entry_first_target"/>	
        <!-- End:  Don't screw with this after you get it working -->
    <!-- End: Another drunk idea window -->
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Old 03-14-2008, 10:39 AM
Kruzayn Kruzayn is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2025
Posts: 6

Im not too advanced in this stuff, but have you taken a look at the default group window or raid window? That should give you the correct click to target code....maybe it would be better to look at the encounter window...hmm...

could something along this line work?
<action event="execute_slash_command" SenderName="#SetAsSender" strData="/target <gamVar=?????????????>">

im not sure what the gamevar is for offensive targets target if there is one...

Another avenue for this would be if you can concatenate and just drop the display name there, im not sure of veriables and how they work in XML, but could you do a /target $offensivetargetstarget and populate that target from the label you used above? thus making it <action event="execute_slash_command" SenderName="#SetAsSender" strData="/target $offensivetargetstargets">

Last edited by Kruzayn : 03-14-2008 at 12:10 PM.
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