Yep, the log file is buffered but I am still using a real-time log parser with no problems.
All I have to do is press a hot-key after each fight which does '/help misc' command. I have mapped this to my '=' key next to backspace so it is easy to do and I now press it without even thinking after each fight.
That command produces over 120 lines of text to be written to the log file. It's a list of all miscellaneous commands. Since the log file writes the buffer to the file after every 128 lines, this almost always flushes the buffer and my parser can read the fight to the end.
My parser is called EQ Companion.
I have read lots of comments saying real-time parsing is not possible in VG because of the buffering so I just wanted to chime in to say it's not 100% true...
Of course having DPS display on VG screen is another matter. It would be really cool to add some DirectX overlay but I am nowhere as skilled a programmer. It is of course possible since I have been using FRAPS and EVGA Precision which do just that to show FPS/GPU temperature, etc. in the screen.
Last edited by Gilador : 07-31-2009 at 03:19 PM.