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Category: Complete SetsMiggy Classic UI
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Name: Miggy Classic UI
Date: 06-12-2007 07:44 AM
Size: 7.82 MB
Version: 4.2
Rate Addon: 4 out of 5 with 2 votes  
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Current Release - Version 4.2 - Compatible with Build 1792


Founded just a few weeks into Vanguard's Beta 3, Miggy Classic UI is a complete reskin of the User Interface in the style of the Interface used during Vanguard's Beta 2, with a few elements taken from late Beta 2.5. The intent was also to create a more fantasy themed Interface and to cater for all those who fell in love with the original interface used early on in Vanguard's development.

Ryuno - VGInfoPanel Mod
Eveario - Map Mod
Drox (Hotbars, Mainbar, Melee & Ranged Weapon Bar, Control Panel, Text based target spells and weaknesses.) I'd also like to add some special thanks to him for taking the time to work on my journals for quests and abilities, making them look a whole lot nicer and fixing some annoying bugs.
Belmeier - Current zone on compass
Holymight (Quest journal without tabs)
Magikman (Dot spacing fix)
Fozzik - For getting us all started in the craze


(Apr 8th, 2025) V4.2 - Compatible with Build 1792

Due to a long absence I can't quite recall all the changes made but they are many, the highlights of which are;
NEW! - Class icons for player status window taken from Beta 2.
NEW! - Mini horizontal group window. Please not this is very much a Work in Progress, brand new and unrefined. Background colour to box needs changing, compass very slightly overlaps class text, icons aren't fully positioned. However having used it in a full group I can say it's a great space saver. Neither this nor standard group window default to off/on yet so each time you login and group you'll need to toggle your chosen versions.

(Feb 12th, 2025) V4.1 - Compatible with 6th February Build

NEW! - Integrated VGInfoPanel to replace MiggyPanel (It includes full character stats)
NEW! - A 4th horizontal hotbar has arrived!
Fixed - Assembly, abandon quest, share quest and page turning buttons are now visible in the journal.

(Feb 7th, 2025) V4.0 - Compatible with Build 1737

NEW! - Multi-purpose player status window!
How to use: There are now three icons to the right of player status, from top to bottom these are Adventuring, Crafting and Diplomacy. Clicking each one will change your character's gear and result in the status window displaying level, class/trade and xp of the chosen sphere.
NEW! - Classic hotbars, fully skinned hotbars in the style of the classic UI (apologies to all those who loved Drox Hotbars...these are easily returned by simply copying Drox_Mainbar.xml and Drox_Hotbars.xml from a DroxUI installation into this one.
NEW! - Classic compass, fully skinned compass in the style of the classic UI.
Fixed - The toggle for Realtime and Gametime has been added, along with the toggle for crafting stats (which aren't really needed with the new status window)

Still no fix for assembly I'm afraid, I haven't been near an assembly table recently.

(Jan 31st, 2025) V3.2 - Compatible with 31st January Build

Updated - Thanks to the amazing work of Drox, the abilities and quest journals have been visually smartened up with new titles and tabs. Known Bug: Assembly button doesn't work.
Fixed - The Locations and work orders tabs in the quest journal now work!
Changed - Fonts neatened up and properly aligned in player status, offensive target and MiggyBar.
Fixed - Player status now has a full border surrounding it.
Fixed - Health/Mana/End bars now fit properly within their containers.
Fixed - There should no longer be any odd spaces between character level and class in player status window
Fixed - Health/Mana/End and XP bars all have '%' after the text...just to clarify
Fixed - Offensive target compass now fits within the borders of the background. Yes, I haven't moved the distance text back within the circle yet.
Fixed - Eveario's Map Mod v2 installed

Overall, pretty much all cosmetic changes but changes which make things look a little less haphazard.

(Jan 29th, 2025) V3.1 - Compatible with Build 01722

Changed - Multicolor backgrounds replaced by multiple dark smoke backgrounds...all are togglable
Fixed - Group invites work once again
Added - In Game and Real World Time to Miggybar
Added - Drox Spells and Weaknesses in Text form...I couldn't live without these bits of info
Fixed - Icons for mail, leader etc. repositioned around player status bar
Added - Support for's Map Interface Standard
Added - Integrated Eveario's Map Mod v1 to replace default maps

(Jan 16th, 2025) V3.0 - Compatible with Build 01680

Fixed - Quest journal works once again
Added - teased many updates ago.
Added - Golden Mob window
Added - Transparent & minimalist hotbars courtesy of Drox
Added - Control Panel (Inspired by Drox)
Added - Drox's Melee & Ranged weapon bars
Added - Alternative reactions window courtesy of Drox

(Jan 14th, 2025) V2.4 - Sort of Compatible with Build 01673

FIXED - Made compatible with new UI file structure

Known Bugs
* Quest journal is broken...refuses to show quest details
* Some buttons will be missing...the 'connect' and 'accept' buttons to be exact, the text is there just no background
* The loading data from server prompt is missing
* The background to the social window is missing
* Target window for mining is sort of broken

(Dec 3rd, 2025) V2.3 - Compatible with Build 01580

Fixed - Group window displays correctly

(Dec 1st, 2025) V2.2 - Compatible with Build 01580

Added - Golden Mob code (Temporary, please note this may not work properly)
Added - Mob phases code (Temporary, please note this may not work properly)
Fixed - Quest Journal - Quests now listed properly again
Fixed - Group window
Fixed - Encounters window

(Nov 16th, 2025) V2.1 - Compatible with Build 01556

Fixed - Quest Journal window now works with the new system

(Nov 16th, 2025) V2.0 - Compatible with Build 01554

NEW - Abilities Window (Includes General, Adventuring, Crafting and Diplomacy)
NEW - Work Orders and Locations returned to the Quest Window
Changed - Reactions window returned to default
Fixed - Offensive target dots no longer overlap
Fixed - Black spot in offensive target window graphic

(Nov 8th, 2025) v1.1
Compliant with Build 01543

Repaired Offensive Target HP bars to comply with tagging system.
Bugfix - Offensive Target Compass now displays fully.
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