Category: CharacterMultiple Exp Bars |
Interface Information |
Name: |
Multiple Exp Bars  |
Author: |
Date: |
08-18-2007 11:59 AM |
Size: |
6.35 Kb |
Version: |
GU 2 WR |
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UPDATE: Sorry all i made a newbie mistake and forgot to update the index.xml to load the new raid windows. The newest version GU 2 WR has this change.
UPDATE: It will now show rested exp with the blue bar for Adv Crafting and Diplomacy
I made this mod at request of somone, dont remember who...
But anyways
This mod will turn your default UI Experience Bar into a multiple exp bar.
It will switch automatically depending on what your doing. If you start crafting it will switch to the craft exp bar, it also show harvesting (overall not sub skills) and diplomacy skill.
I also add small text over the bar giving a percentage and a tidbit of info IE
22% into 19 Sorcerer
22% into 11 Artificer etc..
It is only using a single xml so it is unlikley patches will break it and if they do it is easily maintained so dont be worried about using it.
Please Note: It is only intended to work with the Default UI
Feel free to implement it anywhere though if you want, but most the complete UI's already do this.
Props to Nad's Core Ui v2 for the Variable names!
Archive List (Old Versions) |
File Name |
Version |
Size |
Author |
Date |
GU 2 |
6.35 Kb |
cristo |
08-17-2007 07:26 PM |
1.1 |
6.23 Kb |
cristo |
06-13-2007 09:30 AM |
1.0 |
6.23 Kb |
cristo |
02-20-2007 07:48 PM |
File Statistics |
User Rating: |
Downloads: |
1640 |
Views: |
6674 |
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3 |
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Last Modified: |
N/A |
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08-19-2007, 05:50 PM
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Re: Wings
08-18-2007, 08:09 PM
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Is there a way to eliminate the exp bar's "wings"?
08-18-2007, 11:50 AM
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The reason i did not add that is because it is a static number
For example if your at 15% exp into the level the rested exp maybe say 34%
as you level up the rested percentage will always be 34% (until you get more)
it doesnt count down as you would expect instead you would need to take your the rested % and minus your current xp % from it to find out how much you have left.
For this reason I feel it would only cause confusion being added as text
However. The following code will place "Rested xp: 34%"
<UseControl type="TextField">
<TextField fontSize="7" color="c00ddd6ca" align="left">
<Rect x="28" y="92" width="200" height="15" />
<Text>Rested exp: <gamevar=AdvRestExpPctSelf.Percent>%</Text>
<Settings dropShadowText="true" visibilityGameVar="bSphereAdvEquipped">
<Bind name="AdvExpPctSelf" notifyOnly="true" />
Last edited by cristo : 08-18-2007 at 11:51 AM.
08-17-2007, 09:59 PM
Super Custom Member
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I have been trying to add what you made to the default UI, but one thing I am wanting to add is the Resting % test to the right of the current xp %. All I have done is really make a mess of it. Is there anyway you can add this feature/funtion?
read my otehr thread I have been working on a mod with yours, read all of this and see if it is doiable, I got 99% of it working
Last edited by Customprofile : 08-17-2007 at 11:31 PM.
08-17-2007, 07:27 PM
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Re: GU2
I added them in and it is awaiting mod approval
When available just overwrite and youll be gtg
Thanks for using MXP
Last edited by cristo : 08-17-2007 at 07:27 PM.
08-17-2007, 03:27 AM
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Any plans to make it compatible with GU2? Basically to add rest XP to show.
06-13-2007, 09:27 AM
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I uploaded a new version that should fix that
redownload and try it out
Last edited by cristo : 06-13-2007 at 09:31 AM.
06-13-2007, 02:29 AM
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This is the type of xp bar I've been looking for.
I Dled it and installed it using the steps provided in the Wiki for interfaces.
I do get the xp bar to show the %, however. My toolbelts for crafting is removed when I use this approach. Everything else do seem to work.
It is very possible I am using the wrong approach to get it to work, since it isn't a complete UI change, just the XP bars. Any suggestion on how to get it to work, or what type of changes I need to make to get it to work without losing my toolbelts and tools?
I edit the ini file to read MXp instead of Default
05-31-2007, 01:20 PM
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Sorry Pro, Im guessing by now you have done what ever you wish but I will state this for future reference.
Any and All mods that I supply to this or any community are free to edit.
I am not worried about credit or whatever its all open source
03-02-2007, 01:51 AM
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XP info text
Hi, I was wondering if I could be allowed to edit the VGUIPlayerStatus file so that I can make the text bigger and the colour to red or blue or whatever.
If you dont mind me editing the file for personal use, is this code sufficient ?
<UseControl type="TextField">
<TextField fontSize="8" font-weight="bold" color="red" align="center">
<Rect x="207" y="48" width="551" height="18"/>
<Text><gamevar=CraftExpPctSelf.Percent>% into <gamevar=nCraftLevelSelf> <gamevar=strCraftingTradeSelf></Text>
I have highlighted something that im not sure will work, and also is it possible to change the font and will it allow me to make the font to size 10 or 12 and also moving the text so that it appears more central on the xp bar itself
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