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myUI ChangeLog

Update Notes v1.1 (19 June 07):
New Features:
  • Added the ability to use color packs, I have uploaded 5 themes (which must be downloaded separately)
    • Amethyst, Emerald, Gold, Ruby, Silver -- with possibly more to come if there is any/much interest
    • With this update I removed the extra textures that I added in the last update. Now the normal vanguard textures will be used, and will be considered the default state of myUI. If you liked the added color of the last update, just go download one of the new color packs--there's more choices now too!
  • Pet Health bar is now skinned with similar gauge graphics and the Pet control buttons are incorporated in to the pet gauge.
  • Added new Weapon hotkey bar and Ranged/Ammo hotkey bar
    • with the added ability to turn them on/off
  • Added a new icon for opening the myUI Settings control panel window, and moved it from the top of the screen to the control menu on the right side of the screen.
  • Added the ability to open up the myUI Settings control panel window to the Main Options window (when you press the ESC key)
  • The experience bar, the compass and the clock windows are all movable now
  • Added 3 new preset configurations so that you can load one of five preconfigured window layouts for a total of 5 resolutions
    • 1920x1200
    • 1680x1050
    • 1600x1200
    • 1440x900
    • 1280x1024
  • With the changes to certain windows (movable, hidable) users should be able to modify the layout of myUI to work with all screen resolutions
    • (however I make no promises that at the smaller resolutions the screen won't look cluttered and covered up, but at least you should be able to avoid too many windows overlapping each other).
  • I'll make changes to these notes if anything important was left out
Update Notes v1.0 (10 June 07):

New Features:
  • New Settings/Options Window.
    • Click on the small "dot" button to the right of the compass to open up the new window
    • Options tab allows you to toggle certain windows
    • Layout tab allows you to save and load your layout configurations.
  • Pet Health bar is now movable
  • Added a Local/Game clock next to the compass
  • Horizonatal Group Window! (go to the Settings Window to select which group window you want to see // vertical is default)
  • Added color to many more windows.
    • Changed the default UI coloring from gray to dark blue.
    • Added slight transparency to the default window backgrounds.
    • More colors will follow (if there is enough interest--send in your ideas)
    • if you don't want to use the new textures go to the "SkinInfo with default textures" folder and copy that file to the myUI root folder.
  • New Attribute Window.
    • Click on your player name *upper right corner* to turn on the attribute window
  • Stretched the Top border graphic across the entire top of the screen. No more gap between the left and right corner graphics.
    • In any resolution, if you have a gap, or an overlap, just go in to layoutmode and stretch the right edge of the left corner graphic to the correct length to complete the top border.
    • When you leave layoutmode, just click on any text that looks like it fell behind the translucent border graphic and it will pop back up on top. (it will also showup on top any time you reload the game).
Bug Fixes:
  • I fixed a couple of things that should be transparent to the user, but mostly this update was to add new features (mostly requested).
  • hopefully I didn't break anything that was already working properly
Update Notes v0.96 (07 June 2025)
*Fixed issue with the Map pointers
*Fixed issue with Pet health bar not showing up
*Fixed issue with Player inspect window conflicting with the Weapon Hotkeys

Coming Soon: (completed features added since first release)
--reducing bag sizes and adding some transparency -- added in version 1.0
--Horizontal Group window -- Added with version 1.0
--Possibly skinning more of the interface to change the look/feel of the default UI -- added with version 1.0
--any ideas or suggestions or requests out there that sound like fun

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