Always wanted a live feed Roster for your site? Thought it was to complicated to code? Now you can have use this Simple Vanguard Guild roster to add a little flair to your guilds website!
It requires no php coding knoweldge! You dont even need to know html or css, it will help if you want to modify it but its not needed.
Your web server has to have:
PHP 4+
And in the INI it has to be set to allow for FOPEN and file reading
Download the archive which contains four files
1- roster.html
Open up roster.html in Notepad and set your guild id at the top.
Also set what style you want, light or dark
Then if needed change the Order of Guild ranks in the list from top to bottom.
Once your settings are in place, save and upload to your server
Then point your browser to it.
Advanced Configuration:
The tpl or template file houses all the HTML
I break it up in blocks sorounded by Pipe and two characters
So section AA| <html code here /> |AA
Dont delete these markers
Everything in them is fair game though.
The Variables are located between brackets {} you cant rename the variables but you can move them anywhere.
Please note the roster works on a feed from, if that site has problems your roster will have issues