Category: TradeSkillsMaddyCraft 2.13 |
Interface Information |
Name: |
MaddyCraft 2.13  |
Author: |
Date: |
05-27-2013 04:56 PM |
Size: |
40.75 Kb |
Version: |
2.13 |
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Patch & Add-on List |
File Name |
Version |
Size |
Author |
Date |
Type |
2.10 |
37.86 Kb |
12-12-2007 05:53 PM |
Addon |
2.10 |
4.82 Kb |
12-08-2007 04:37 PM |
Addon |
MaddyCraft integrated in myUI / CoreUI3.
Table Setup including Macro-Buttons and expanded Item-List (integrated in myUI / CoreUI3)
Refining Start with Mother's Quick Recipe Bar integrated.
New Table Setup and Inventory with Utilities stacking to 100.
Maddy Craft 2.13
Updated for compatibility with latest Version
Another minor update, corrects all stacking display issues. All utilities stacking to 100 are showing up correctly now.
Maddy Craft 2.12
Updated for compatibility with GU6
Just a minor update, fixes all "togglewindow"-calls.
Maddy Craft 2.11
Updated for compatibility with GU5
Finally after 6 moths I returned to this beatiful game and found the time to update this little craft-UI...
Highlights:- Cancel Bug fixed.
- Finisher button uses all possible finishing actions.
- Recipe Details reworked.
- Included RefiningStart with continental recipe macro bars and without any recipe macros. You can select the one you need by activating the corresponding line like shown in the included Index.xml.
Maddy Craft 2.10
Updated for compatibility with GU3.2
Just removed all the presets until the corresponding UI's are fixed. This update includes the fixe to the toolbelt-problem!
Highlights:- Refining-Start: Mother's faboulus Quick Recipe Bar integrated. Define up to 50 Recipe-Shortcuts here! For further instructions how to do that look at Mothers descriptions please!
- Refining-Start: Nadgers missing items integrated in Recipe-Details page.
- Table-Setup: Useable Item List redone to show more items at once.
- Table-Setup: Switch to Text-Only-Mode to see even more items!
- Table-Setup: You can place 12 Text-Macros with /refineadditem "xxx" entries now.
- Craft-Window: Redone for a more compact look.
- Craft-Window: Catalyst protection based on Mothers idea and using Nadgers look integrated.
- Craft-Window: The original Sweetcraft-Skillwindow returned! Use the small "Skill"-Button at the upper left corner to adjust your skills on the fly. Additionally to your current skills you can see the base-values directly.
- Craft-Window: Ever wondered what grade was required for the actual recipe during processing? Press the small "Detail"-Button to have a look at the details of the current recipe.
Idea behind it:
It's based on the good old Sweetcraft UI from Sweetwheat, which is not to be found on this site and not maintained since March 07. I loved his UI so I took it over and modified it to meet my needs. It was desinged to minimize Mouse-Action during the crafting process. And here's the result.
Features:- Table Inventory to the left, top to bottom filling and expanding as needed
- Table setup rearranged and including an area for 8 Macro-Buttons. Here you can put any /refineadditem "xxx" - Macros you need.
- Actual crafting status at the top of the window, with all relevant information. This uses some modified graphics from Xyndyr's myUI 2.0, which I used during development.
- Cancel Button at the top-right (the "X"), out of the way of the whole crafting action.
- One-click-toobelt
- Crafting-Macro-Buttons based on the so called "Single Action, One Click Step and Action Method" described at the VanguardCrafters-Forum. These are marked "1" to "6" corresponding to the Action of the "active step". The "active step" is the left-most of the available Action-Steps. Recipes with up to 9 Action-Steps are working with these buttons. You need to use the default Crafting-Buttons for steps above nine.
- "The Finisher" - Button, based on the "Single Action Final Step Macro", found at the same source as above. This button can be used during the last finishing Action-Step. Based on the AP left it activates the best step (with most quality in return) for the Finisher. Again if the Recipe has more than nine steps, this button doesn't work.
- Complications and Remedies, all in a row at the bottom of the Window as needed.
- Removed most texts so this one is probably not for crafting beginners!
Basically it's not meant to be a standalone UI-Mod, although it could be used this way. This Modification can be integrated in most, if not all Custom UIs. Included in the download are Presets for most actual Custom-UIs. Use these at your own risk! I have not tested all of them enough, but they should work. Make a backup of the original files before trying out! If you use a preset, just copy the directories and files into your Mod-Directory (for CoreUI3 you have to copy the content of the Index-file into your Index.xml ! )
To include in a custom Mod follow these step: - Download and unpack the ZIP-File
- Copy the contents of the included "Textures"- and "Windows"-Folder into the corresponding Folder of the custum UI.
- Open the "SkinInfo.xml" of your custom-UI (with NotePad or some any other editor) and include these lines:
<AnimationDefinitions directory="Textures"><AnimationDefinition filename="MaddyParts.xml"/> </AnimationDefinitions>
Please take the included "SkinInfo.xml"-File as an example. Save the file.
- Open the "Index.xml"-File of your custom-UI (with NotePad or some any other editor) and search for the section
- Find the following lines and comment them out as needed or even delete them:
... <Window filename="VGUICrafting.xml"/> <Window filename="VGUICraftingActions.xml"/> <Window filename="VGUICraftingCatalyst.xml"/> <Window filename="VGUICraftingComplications.xml"/> <Window filename="VGUICraftingInventory.xml"/> <Window filename="VGUICraftingRemedies.xml"/> <Window filename="VGUICraftingToolbelts.xml"/> <Window filename="VGUICraftingWorkbench.xml"/> <Window filename="VGUICraftingWorkbenchFilling.xml"/> ... <Window filename="VGUIRefiningStart.xml"/>
- Search for any other "VGUICrafting...xml" and "VGUIRefiningStart.xml" entries within the file, probably from other Crafting-Mods included in your custom-UI and comment them out or delete them.
- Add the following lines to the "Index.xml"-File:
<GameplayWindows directory="Windows"> <Window filename="Maddy_Crafting.xml"/> <Window filename="Maddy_CraftingRecipeDetails.xml"/> <Window filename="Maddy_CraftingSkills.xml"/> <Window filename="Maddy_RefiningStart.xml"/> <Window filename="Maddy_TableSetup.xml"/> </GameplayWindows>
Again please take the included "Index.xml" as an example.
- Save the file and launch Vanguard!
If you have problem, feel free to ask for assistance!
Sweetwheat, for his lovely Craft-UI. Without that I would have never reached T5 in crafting.
Xyndyr, for his beautiful myUI2.0 I've got some graphis from (This mod will graphically fit nicely into myUI2.0, btw!).
Nadger, for his awesome CoreUI3.
Mother and Taiisien, for their Crafting-Mods, I've used for some ideas.
Archive List (Old Versions) |
File Name |
Version |
Size |
Author |
Date |
2.12 |
37.17 Kb |
MadOverlord |
09-09-2008 07:10 PM |
2.12 |
37.17 Kb |
MadOverlord |
09-09-2008 04:14 PM |
2.12 |
37.17 Kb |
MadOverlord |
09-09-2008 02:43 PM |
2.11 |
37.04 Kb |
MadOverlord |
07-16-2008 04:19 PM |
2.10 |
27.86 Kb |
MadOverlord |
12-12-2007 05:51 PM |
2.00 |
306.77 Kb |
MadOverlord |
10-22-2007 09:05 AM |
1.00 |
59.06 Kb |
MadOverlord |
09-19-2007 06:13 AM |
File Statistics |
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Downloads: |
9789 |
Views: |
48173 |
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21 |
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Last Modified: |
05-27-2013 05:56 PM by MadOverlord |
|  |
07-14-2013, 08:29 AM
Junior Member
Forum posts: 12
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newer 100 count stack icon modification
Using the TbirdDrox UI, these mods use renamed windows
In both Maddy_TableSetup.xml and Maddy_Crafting.xml - The 2 lines that need fix both look like this, the actual change is the second line, the width. I changed mine to 20 it works for me.
<TextField fontSize="8" color="yellow" centered="true">
<Rect x="0" y="0" width="15" height="18"/>
On the left side, the Table window item icons, I made a couple changes to the sizes. Here it the whole section to copy and paste or just change the bolded parts
!--Crafting Inventory-->
<VGUIWindow name="Table">
<Rect x="300" y="180" width="60" height="54"/>
<Settings background= "true"
<SetRelationalPos relationTo="SIBLING">
<Point x="-58" y="0"/>
<SiblingName>Crafting Table Setup</SiblingName>
<Rect x="0" y="0" width="60" height="60"/>
<!-- action family icons -->
<UseControl type="Window">
<Rect x="0" y="0" width="34" height="34"/>
<Settings name="_crafting_workbench_filling"
<SetRelationalPos relationTo="PARENT">
<Point x="0" y="8"/>
<!--ItemList updater with window to replicate-->
<AttachUpdater type="ItemList"
<UseControl type="Window" name="_crafting_workbench_filling_entry">
<Rect x="0" y="0" width="40" height="40"/>
<Settings visible="false"/>
<!-- actual item slot and icon size -->
<UseControl type="ItemSlot" name="_item_slot">
<Rect x="1" y="1" width="40" height="40"/>
<Settings visible="true"
This mod causes the window to be out of position.
Last edited by Zatris : 07-18-2013 at 01:24 AM.
06-08-2013, 03:19 PM
Forum posts: 83
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Re: A Request to someone with skill!
I'm totally torn between this and CoreFlash.
What I would love is for this addon to work in a similar fashion to CoreFlash.
Instead of the buttons 1-6 at the bottom, why not just have it so the actual icons show permanently for that stage until it's done?
So you're at stage 1 - the options to add resources pop up and you choose.
Is it just not possible to have the actions for a stage perma-show until that stage is done?
It kind of already does this, but I just want to eliminate that extra click that opens the actions for each section ala CoreFlash where you mouse over.
It's either this or trying to combine the skill button from sweetcraft, mother's macro bars into Core....
I know nothing of making addons, but I guess if there's nobody out there who has this knowledge and is willing to give this a shot I might try to teach myself.
*edit* You know what, it wasn't as difficult as I had thought it would be!!! Took me about 2 hours, but I now have MaddyCraft, but with the CoreFlash way of selecting actions with the popup... I'm so happy now.
I'd love to have this option. Care to share? 
Last edited by Starcrusher : 06-08-2013 at 05:36 PM.
05-28-2009, 09:11 AM
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Hello all,
After a long break I'm back and playing VG, at least from time to time. Just to inform you, I'm still around
Thx Daxx for your clarification of that error, never encountered such a problem myself.
Nice you figured that out on your own, grats to your first mod! I've never used CoreFlash before, just seen it in a video once. So no idea whats doing in detail.
But one thing I just have to clarify:
Is it just not possible to have the actions for a stage perma-show until that stage is done?
It kind of already does this, but I just want to eliminate that extra click that opens the actions for each section ala CoreFlash where you mouse over.
The buttons do not just select an action according to the numbers, they "macrocally" open the leftmost active action too, all in just one single click. No need to open the actions manually if you know what action you wanna use. It seems difficult to remember at first, but at higher levels workorders don't change much and are really tedious, you will know your actions and positions in most cases. This way workorders go just "click click click", give it a try. If you do difficult and expensive combines its better to use the normal steps and actions anyway, just to be sure.
Maybe you missed that?!
Anyway, have fun with what you changed to your needs, if more people request such a combination I'm willing to upload it as an alternative.
Happy crafting and cya in Telon!
05-27-2009, 10:32 PM
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A Request to someone with skill!
I'm totally torn between this and CoreFlash.
What I would love is for this addon to work in a similar fashion to CoreFlash.
Instead of the buttons 1-6 at the bottom, why not just have it so the actual icons show permanently for that stage until it's done?
So you're at stage 1 - the options to add resources pop up and you choose.
Is it just not possible to have the actions for a stage perma-show until that stage is done?
It kind of already does this, but I just want to eliminate that extra click that opens the actions for each section ala CoreFlash where you mouse over.
It's either this or trying to combine the skill button from sweetcraft, mother's macro bars into Core....
I know nothing of making addons, but I guess if there's nobody out there who has this knowledge and is willing to give this a shot I might try to teach myself.
*edit* You know what, it wasn't as difficult as I had thought it would be!!! Took me about 2 hours, but I now have MaddyCraft, but with the CoreFlash way of selecting actions with the popup... I'm so happy now. 
Last edited by Snoogens : 05-28-2009 at 12:59 AM.
05-26-2009, 01:10 PM
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Re: MErging With Drox ... Error
I really love this UI and also love Drox. I have used the examples in the text and when I try to open up a crafting window/session I get this error message "Unable to craft at this time".
Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks in advance.
That might not be the UI at all. I get this on occasion trying to Harvest and have set up a macro hotkey for the following two script commands:
Using this first command fixes the similar harvesting error when it rears it's head. Try /endcrafting or some variation there-of to see if there is a command to end the craftng session. I'll also look to see if there is one when I am in game next.
Last edited by Daxx : 05-26-2009 at 01:10 PM.
05-24-2009, 01:47 AM
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Best Crafting UI! Thanks for this, hope you're able to keep this updated as I am addicted to it. 
Last edited by Daxx : 05-24-2009 at 01:48 AM.
04-07-2009, 07:14 AM
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Re: MErging With Drox ... Error
I really love this UI and also love Drox. I have used the examples in the text and when I try to open up a crafting window/session I get this error message "Unable to craft at this time".
Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks in advance.
Sorry, I have no idea whats causing this, never heard of such an error. Are you sure it is your ui and not something different ingame?
Only advice I could give is try to compare your merge-result with one of the other working compilations of Drox and this UI. As far as I can see from your files posted in the "problem"-thread everything looks correct, but I'm not sure.
I don't play at the moment and so i cannot reproduce your problem ingame, sorry.
Last edited by MadOverlord : 04-07-2009 at 07:15 AM.
04-07-2009, 01:07 AM
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MErging With Drox ... Error
I really love this UI and also love Drox. I have used the examples in the text and when I try to open up a crafting window/session I get this error message "Unable to craft at this time".
Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks in advance.
01-23-2009, 02:59 AM
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Another line to comment out
I'm using MaddyCraft with both DroxUI (currently and InfoMap Advanced (currently v2) and it's working fine
I've noticed that your instructions do not show another line which must be commented out, at least when using MaddyCraft with DroxUI.
In the Index.xml file, in the <GameplayWindows directory="Windows"> section:
<Window filename="ExpandedRefiningStart.xml"/>
<!--<Window filename="ExpandedRefiningStart.xml"/> -->
I think this solves some of the problems people are having.
10-08-2008, 06:48 PM
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This mod is a life saver, great work.
My one problem though is that because the background is so dark, I am stuggling to see my progress bars, (black on black quite hard to see)
I notice in the screenshots that there is a greyish background, how do I change this then it is perfect for me?
10-05-2008, 02:53 PM
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I tried it too Lao, I did what was posted over there and downloaded the 2 needed files...and it's the same as yours...so you and your husband are not going looney 
10-02-2008, 03:45 PM
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09-27-2008, 05:40 PM
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Well maddy doesnt work well with others, I tried the ui called slcustom wich comes with maddy but i hate the rest of te ui so does me no good. maddy did work fine, i love it, but it wont work with drox or myui which is 2 i am willing to use.
It doesnt look like anyone checks these message boards so ill will try contacting the creator directly i guess.
09-27-2008, 05:23 PM
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I tried to make this work again, spent a good part of the day doing it, did everything in the instruction to the letter, made sure of it, and still doesnt work, I click on a crafting station (blacksmith smelter refining to be exact) and no tradeskill window at all pops up, the text "select the recipi you wish to use" come up in the chat window but there isnt a craft window.
My next stap would be to download a UI premade with your tradeskill window in it to see if it even works. if it does it is a case of your UI doesn't play well with others. In which case I wont be able to use it  will let you know.
09-27-2008, 02:21 AM
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I would love to try this crafting window but alas I couldnt get it to work, im not sure if there is anyway to do it more.... simply... but it seems really in depth, go in and recode this delete that type this...... hopefully it works someday, would love to try it.
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