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Category: Vanguard Tools & UtilitiesVG Chat Log Parser
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How do I install this? (FAQ)
Name: VG Chat Log Parser
Date: 06-04-2007 06:26 PM
Size: 23.91 Kb
Version: 0.9
Rate Addon: 5 out of 5 with 1 votes  
Hey guys I wrote this a while ago. Anyway i figured some people might like to use it as well, especially for noting and pulling out locations for POI entry later.

Anyone familiar with Murgg's Chat Log Parser, for WoW will feel familiar with this, as i just too my code for that and changed it to fit VG in its current state.

Player names and Item Links, will have the Tags around them removed for ease of reading.

Anyway here is the program, its written in using Visual Studio 2025. requires .NET Framework 2.0.

************************* Instructions**********************************


Unzip where ever you want.

1) Load up VG:SoH and use the /log command to create log files.
2) Open Log Parser.
3) Click Open to Open the Chat Log you created.
4) Enter in your search Field (CASE SENSITIVE)
5) Click Parse.

1) Click Add tab to add custom search tabs
2) Enter in Tab Name
3) Enter String to Search For

To Remove tabs go to the Options Window.

-=NOTE:=- you can parse multiple different logs or key words, it will
continue to scroll untill you hit reset and clear the output.

Let me know if you have any issues.

Look forward to some more functionality.


grimmier at

***************** Change Log ********************
------------3-4-2007-----Version 0.9 --------------
* Changed compatability to work with Sigil's changes to how emotes are written, They now stand out.
* Fixed a bug with emotes breaking the parser.
* Added in a tab for emotes

------------1-13-2007-----Version 0.8 --------------
* Added in Item Link Parsing, for setting up items database.

------------1-5-2007-----Version 0.7 --------------
* Removed the NDA password.

------------12-1-2006----Version 0.6 --------------
* Added in a Locations Tab, this will pull both parts ofyour /loc output.
Should make pulling out custom POI's much easier.

-----------11-30-2006----Version 0.5 --------------
* Added in Password for NDA reasons before release to public.
* Cleaned up formating of the XML file.

-----------11-07-2006----Version 0.4 --------------
* Added some more search strings to the loot tab. Now shows money and group members loot.
* Added Shout Tab as a default tab.

-----------10-31-2006----Version 0.3 -------------
* Fixed an Out of Memory Error on parsing logs with non-completed link information
* Non-Completed Link Information will not be formated, it shows as it appears in the log.
* Streamlined some Code to speed up the Parse.

-----------10-28-2006----Version 0.2 -------------
* Added Group, Loot, and Auctions tabs.
* Fixed the way linked items show up, removed the tags on the ends.

-----------10-28-2006----Version 0.1 -------------
* started working on the parser for Vanguard Chat Logs
* Initial version for testing.
* Starting with only 3 built in tabs, All, Tells, and Misc.
* Added in a function to fix names of players so they don't show up with the tags around them
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