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Category: Vanguard Tools & UtilitiesCDXRoster
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How do I install this? (FAQ)
Name: CDXRoster
Date: 03-22-2007 01:11 PM
Size: 208.31 Kb
Version: 2.11
Rate Addon: 4 out of 5 with 1 votes  
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CDXRoster Demo Site - Screenshot is low low quality and can't do it justice. Go to the demo site, cl
CDXRoster Version 2.11 - A self updating guild roster and management script for Vangurd: Saga of Heroes
Copyright (C) 2025 Cdxrd Contact: revvved_ at hotmail dot com


*Note: To really see the goodies, you reallllly need to click on a player.. Go on, try it!

CDXRoster is a self updating roster script for guild website for use with Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. This script will work as a standalone script, or can be added in as part of a larger website with minimal changes.

PHP 4.3.11 or higher
MySQL Database
Webserver running php and mysql

Its officially here! I know a lot of people have been waiting, well here it is. To install, simpy download, extract and run the install.html.. If that doesnt work, read the readme.txt file for my help!

I gave up on making them lists.. Site keeps messing em up and displaying the code to make the list.. ugh..

Version 2.11:
  • Fixed bug regarding css and new custom guild ranks. Now in the css, there is a guildRank0-8.. 0 being leader. Thats where your colors/styles are.
Version 2.1:
  • Updated script to accept the new custom guild ranks, in addition to the now 9 ranks total. Please read the readme for special notes on this!!
Version 2.01:
  • Squashed some bugs, spelling.. Added $script_path to all images and includes..
New and Fixed in Version 2.0:
  • Various bug fixes!
  • Added authentication systems for phpbb2 and dragonfly cms!
  • Moved auth system to external files.
  • Added admin features, purge database, log, edit claims, etc.
  • Added claim character ability with the use of the auth feature!
New and Fixed in Version 1.6:
  • Minor bugfixes.
  • Correct druid count in guild breakdown.
  • Added basic authentication routines for phpbb2. Still have to figure out cookie and user tables for phpbb3. Auth does virtually nothing except hide 'force update' if turned on and set to phpbb2.x mode.
Version 1.51 Features:
* Bug fix..Fixed image names so that no editing is needed on nix servers.. Fixed it 3x now too.. Keep overwriting my fix..
New and Fixed in Version 1.5:
* Removed reliance on external XML feeds. Now works directly off vgplayers website, so should be no more timeouts, blank races, etc.
* Added ability to click header once, sorts descending, click again, sorts ascending.
* Added fix for those getting errors about including the config file and saying they need to rerun installer.
* Removed first and last name fields since they werent used.
* Added top X members section to the guild breakdown.
* Updated coloration on logfile to work with dark and light css themes.
* Added a dark css theme and a variable in the script to change it.
* Minor bug fixes here and there.
* Will be ported to dragonfly CMS shortly after release. Still need coders to port to other CMS systems. IE Postnuke, phpnuke, etc.
* A race should be shown for every character.
* Variable names have been changed so as not to interfere with content management systems such as dragonfly, joomla and others.
* Sorting by guild rank no longer sorts alphabetically. Instead, it sorts leader down, or initiate down.. aka, from lowest rank to highest and vice versa.
* Added a check to see if the roster somehow got emptied or dumped, if so, it adds a temporary member which will force the system to auto-update itself. If the entire table is lost, please re-run the setup process.
* Added several variables at the beginning of the script to allow you to set the script path if needed, the css file, and the number of 'top' members to display on the guild breakdown.
Version 1.0 Features:
* Store and update your guilds roster automatically
* Sort your roster by name, class, rank, diplomacy or more!
* Keeps an ongoing log showing who joins, who leaves and promotions/demotions within your guild!
* Updates Automatically every 24 hours!
* Auto-installation script! No hand editing the files!
* Detailed player information, including adventuring stats, crafting stats and more!
* Guild breakdown chart shows you who is who and where the guild is lacking or excelling!
Some known, possible issues:

If you are running on a *nix based server, and your logfile isnt updating, you may need to change its permissions to allow the script to write to it. I think its something like chmod 755.. Im not a linux user, so.. In a future version, I will remove the log 'file' and make it use a database table I think... which will eliminate this problem..

If you have characters in your guild roster that arent in your guild, please check the vgplayers site. If they are there, then there is nothing I can do, its a SOE/SIGIL issue. If they are not there, lemme know and I'll look.

Let me know your thoughts and comments.. Mind you, this is a project done in my spare time, and i will not be devoting hours upon hours to it. If there are bugs, I will do my best to squash em, but I will not put off everything else to correct a problem. I do have a life.. I think..

************************************************** *******

Cdxrd, aka Kyrian Soulweaver, Lords of Chaos, Thunderaxe

Credit, where credit is due:
************************************************** *******

SaintPeter, Rmerlin, Dark Grue - Writing the original Vanguard, dragonfly mod and updating the standalone module which is the basis for rm4vg.

Cristex, Isenherl and others- Testing, coding help and design ideas! Thanks!

Rastaph at - Rastaph supplied the original xml feed that corrects the VGplayers feed, which is what made the original cdxroster tick.

************************************************** *******

To learn how to convert this into a PHPNuke Module -Click here for a short and easy guide. Thank you very much Loken!

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Last Modified: 04-03-2007 02:41 PM by Dolby    

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Old 06-02-2007, 03:08 PM  
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Exclamation Install appears broken

Was trying to install the new version this morning and the install script doesn't seem to be able to find the guild on the "CDX Roster Setup - Enter Guild Information" page. My guild name is Havoc on Thunderaxe - (there are 2 Havoc guilds). I always use the guild number in the setup. I have been using your roster for quite awhile now and really like it. I wanted to upgrade as we now have custom ranks and they weren't showing right
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Old 03-14-2007, 02:59 PM  

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Until I upload a fix, with ver 1.6, even if you have auth_type disabled (set to 0), it will not show the Force Update link.. So.. scroll down to line 963 and change it to:

if(($auth_type == 0) || ($cdxuser_is_admin == 1))

Last edited by : 03-14-2007 at 03:10 PM.
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