In-game browser
Healer/buffbar window, merchant-button, mini raid window, friend list & shoppinglist
Ui in action (1152x864)
UI in action (1680x1050)
19/05/09 --Updated for GU7-- (my subscription has expired now and I wont be updating this for any further GU's)
Eximius (named after my old EQ1 guild from long ago)
NB: Optimized for a resolution of 1152x864 or 1680x1050. Running at other resolutions will require you to move the windows around a bit.
If you run the 1152x864 version, then delete the AttachedAbilities.xml & the VGUIEventDisplay.xml in the Eximius windows folder and rename the AttachedAbilities1152.xml to AttachedAbilities.xml and the VGUIEventDisplay1152.xml to VGUIEventDisplay.xml
This is a compilation of a variety of other mods that I found useful and wanted to include in the basic UI including some minor modifications of my own as well. This compilation modifies as few of the default UI windows as possible to keep it simple.
Main features (see updates below for more):
* Horizontal mini buffs since I found the default buffs to be a bit too big
* Info window with FPS, Ping, clock, moneybar, changing room, loot information and guildinfo
* HP percent on player, offensive target, defensive target and group windows.
* Buff/healer window that can be toggled on/off via a mini button.
* Extra healer hotbar placed next to the group window, with 2 buttons for each member (incl yourself)
* Reminder for spending your adventuring and crafting points, if you have any available.
* Updated minimap and main map, with in game browser access.
* Toggle buttons for quest frame as well as group and raid windows.
* Toggle button for friend window, sortable by online/offline
* Quickbuttons for some often used commands, such as recall and camp.
* Melee and ranged quickswap buttons
* Quickbar that shows the marks for targets when you are grouped and the group leader
* Toggle buttons for factions, friends list and emotes
* LFG/LFM indicator that you can toggle on/off by clicking it
* Exp bar that displays your progress in % & will autoswitch to whatever you are doing (diplomacy etc.)
**update v Final_access **
Just an update to add the accessmod into Eximius to help those who need it. Nothing changed otherwise from previous version. This version can be found on the archive list further down on this page. See comment at bottom of page for more info. Only contains a setup-file for 1152x864
**update v Final **
- added support for resolution 1680x1050
- improved the exp-bar to display further information such as your skills in primary and secondary harvesting as well as rested xp (per level, in total. it wont adjust the % value as you spend it. To get your remaining rested xp in % on the lvl you are working on, it is the difference between the xp% rested and your exp lvl % on the bar)
- when you identify a spell being cast by your offensive target, the name of the spell will now display instead of the default "identified" message, to help counterspelling classes react faster
- added combat hotkeys window that will apeear next to your offensive target when in combat. Configure it when in combat since the window will appear then or just enter a diplomacy parley since for some reason that counts as being in combat too (see it on the "UI in action" screenshot on this page)
- rearranged the defensive target and encounter display to better accomodate the change mentioned above
- the offensive target debuffs now display all debuffs vertically (used to be only your own debuffs)
- made player buffs slightly bigger to ease the strain on your eyes when looking at them ;-)
- added %-value to group member frame for endurance and energy
- added scrollbar to questtracker & rezised the window to be a bit bigger
**update v 2_2 **
- added a box to the merchant & banker window, giving you quick access to open all bags when you have their windows open
- added improved friends mini-window
**update v 2_1 **
- Removed the extra healer-hotbar found next to the group members
- Added a mount-bar
- Added new pet and minions windows
- Added quickbar with bags for crafting, diplomacy, harvesting, tacklebox and toolbelts
- Added a mini-raid window
- Added Details tab to the character window to display the attribute ratio from equipment and buffs
- Item shortlist window to quicksearch the marketwindow
**update v 2_0 **
-added togglebuttons for interface lock/unlock (so you wont move windows around by accident while playing), layout mode and a ready check button for raids
- added healthbar displays to the healer/buffer window
This compilation is simply the way i want my interface to look, after playing EQ1, WoW and WAR I missed a few things when I logged on to Vanguard. However everyone has their own taste in these things, but being a new player to Vanguard I found it was hard to mod the game and find standalone mods, so im hoping this can help out new players who, like myself, just want some basic functionality (like hp %, healer hotbar, toggle windows etc) without changing too much of the default UI. Also all the things can be taken out individually and added to your own UI very easily, so I hope someone will find some of it useful.
I give thanks to all the different UI's and coders that I took the individual parts from, some older and some newer UI's, without you I could not have made my interface look the way I wanted.
From the names of the files in the zip file it should be apparent where the code comes from, when appliable, CoreUI, Drox, Infomap, Manic UI to name a few.
Installation instructions:
Optimized for a resolution of 1152x864 or 1680x1050, running at other resolutions will require you to move the windows around a bit.
--installing into the default UI--
1. Download the zip-file from here
2. Unzip it and you should have a folder called "Eximius" (check and make sure its not double, ie. Eximius/Eximius)
3. Place the "Eximius" folder in your --> C:\Program Files\Sony\Vanguard\VGUIAssets\Shells
4. The path should now be --> C:\Program Files\Sony\Vanguard\VGUIAssets\Shells\Eximius
5. From your Eximius folder, take either the file 1152 or the file 1680 (depending on the resolution you want) and place it in --> C:\Program Files\Sony\Vanguard\bin
6. Open your vgclient.ini file in --> C:\Program Files\Sony\Vanguard\bin
7. Search for Shellname in the file. Change it from --> ShellName=Default to --> ShellName=Eximius
8. Save the file
9. Enter Vanguard and once you are in the game, type --> /uiload 1152 or /uiload 1680 depending on which resolution you use
10. You should now be ready to play, unless your resolution differs from 1152x864 or 1680x1050, then you need to move things around a bit yourself
11. Have fun!
If you run the 1152x864 version, then delete the AttachedAbilities.xml & the VGUIEventDisplay.xml in the Eximius windows folder and rename the AttachedAbilities1152.xml to AttachedAbilities.xml and the VGUIEventDisplay1152.xml to VGUIEventDisplay.xml